Chhaya & Tatyana Takeover: Perfect Vegan Movie Night Snacks
Movie night means friends, snacks, and a good time. If you're looking to keep it healthier we have two recipes for you. The first is for...

Chat with Chhaya: Easy Vegan Berry Crumble
I adapted this recipe from TexasErin <-- that's her recipe. I've added berries and jams among other flavors to enhance the flavors. It's...

DIY Easy Vegan Bites
An energy pick-me-up is a must year around. We have delicious Vegan bites that will have you set for your whole day. Just remember to...

The Perfect Mother's Day Treat
Mother's Day can be challenging if you don't know what to get her. But don't worry we've got your back. We made Nikki Sharp's Raw No-Bake...

Easy DIY Vegan Oreos
Oreos are a childhood favorite. They are delicious but often they have lots of preservatives and chemicals, so to help you celebrate...

Chat with Chhaya: Zazie's Review
Whenever I travel to a place, I always scope out the best food options. I'm sure many of you feel the same way. If you're visiting San...

4 Must Try Vegan Face masks
Sleepovers and pajama parties are the best! They can be so much fun and when you have fun activities to enhance the party it's even...